» » From Pac-Man to Mario: Ranking the Best Video Games of the 1980s

From Pac-Man to Mario: Ranking the Best Video Games of the 1980s

added 11-05-2023, 12:40
The 1980s were a pivotal time in the video game industry. It was a decade of innovation, creativity, and competition that saw the rise of some of the most iconic and beloved video games in history. From the simple yet addictive gameplay of Pac-Man to the epic adventures of The Legend of Zelda, the 1980s paved the way for the modern gaming industry we know today. In this article, we will be ranking the best video games of the 1980s based on their impact, innovation, and overall fun factor.

What Makes a Video Game Great

Before we dive into our list, let's first explore what makes a video game great. A great video game is one that stands the test of time, that is still enjoyable to play decades after its initial release. It is a game that offers a unique and memorable experience, whether through its gameplay mechanics, story, or characters. A great video game also pushes the boundaries of what is possible in the medium, introducing new ideas, technologies, and gameplay mechanics that inspire future developers.

Honorable Mentions

Before we get to our top 10 list, let's first give a shoutout to some of the most popular and influential games of the 1980s that didn't quite make the cut. These games include:
  • Donkey Kong Jr.
  • Frogger
  • Centipede
  • Defender
  • Joust
While these games were certainly influential and fun to play, they ultimately didn't make our top 10 due to their limited gameplay mechanics or lack of innovation compared to other games on our list.

#10 - Donkey Kong

Kicking off our top 10 list is Donkey Kong, the game that introduced the world to the iconic character of Mario. Released in 1981, Donkey Kong was a breakthrough game that helped establish the platformer genre. Players controlled Mario as he climbed ladders and jumped over barrels to rescue his girlfriend, Pauline, from the clutches of the evil Donkey Kong.
What makes Donkey Kong great is its simple yet addictive gameplay mechanics. The game is easy to pick up, but difficult to master, with increasing difficulty levels that keep players coming back for more. Donkey Kong also introduced the world to the character of Mario, who would go on to become one of the most recognizable and beloved video game characters of all time.

#9 - Pitfall!

Coming in at number 9 is Pitfall!, a game that revolutionized the platformer genre by introducing non-linear gameplay and exploration. Released in 1982, Pitfall! put players in the shoes of adventurer Harry as he swung on vines, jumped over alligators, and avoided deadly traps in search of treasure.
What makes Pitfall! great is its open-world design, which allowed players to explore the game's jungle environment in any direction they chose. The game also introduced a time limit mechanic, which added an element of urgency and challenge to the gameplay. Pitfall! was hugely influential in the development of future platformers, and its legacy can still be seen in modern games like Uncharted and Tomb Raider.

#8 - Q*bert

At number 8 on our list is Qbert, a game that is both simple and challenging. Released in 1982, Qbert features a bizarre alien creature named Q*bert who must jump on a pyramid of cubes to change their color while avoiding enemies.
What makes Qbert great is its unique gameplay mechanics. The game's isometric perspective and diagonal movement controls were unlike anything else at the time, and its colorful and quirky graphics made it stand out from other games of the era. Qbert also introduced the concept of changing the color of objects in a game, a mechanic that would go on to be used in countless other games.

#7 - Space Invaders

At number 7 on our list is Space Invaders, a game that helped establish the shooter genre and popularized the concept of high scores. Released in 1978 but still hugely popular throughout the 1980s, Space Invaders sees players defending Earth from an alien invasion by shooting down waves of descending aliens.
What makes Space Invaders great is its simplicity and addictiveness. The game's simple controls and iconic sound effects made it easy to pick up and play, while its increasing difficulty and high score system kept players coming back for more. Space Invaders was also hugely influential in the development of the shooter genre, inspiring countless other games in the decades that followed.

#6 - Galaga

At number 6 on our list is Galaga, a game that improved upon the formula established by Space Invaders by introducing new enemy types, power-ups, and more complex gameplay mechanics. Released in 1981, Galaga sees players controlling a starship as they battle waves of insectoid enemies in space.
What makes Galaga great is its deep and challenging gameplay mechanics. The game introduced new enemy types that required different strategies to defeat, as well as power-ups that gave players extra firepower or defensive capabilities. Galaga also introduced the concept of bonus stages, where players could earn extra points by shooting down specific enemy formations.

#5 - Tetris

At number 5 on our list is Tetris, a game that needs no introduction. Originally released in 1984 but popularized in the late 1980s, Tetris sees players arranging falling blocks in order to create complete lines and clear the screen.
What makes Tetris great is its universal appeal and addictive gameplay. The game's simple yet challenging mechanics make it easy to pick up and play, while its increasing speed and difficulty keep players engaged for hours on end. Tetris also introduced the concept of puzzle games, which would go on to become one of the most popular genres in the gaming industry.

#4 - Super Mario Bros.

At number 4 on our list is Super Mario Bros., the game that revolutionized the platformer genre and introduced the world to the concept of side-scrolling gameplay. Released in 1985, Super Mario Bros. sees players controlling Mario as he jumps over obstacles, defeats enemies, and rescues Princess Toadstool from the evil Bowser.
What makes Super Mario Bros. great is its groundbreaking gameplay mechanics and memorable characters. The game's side-scrolling design and power-up system introduced new gameplay mechanics that would go on to be used in countless other games. Super Mario Bros. also introduced iconic characters like Bowser, Princess Toadstool, and of course, Mario himself, who would go on to become one of the most recognizable and beloved video game characters of all time.

#3 - The Legend of Zelda

At number 3 on our list is The Legend of Zelda, a game that revolutionized the adventure genre and introduced the world to the concept of open-world exploration. Released in 1986, The Legend of Zelda sees players controlling hero Link as he explores the land of Hyrule, battles monsters, and collects powerful items in order to rescue Princess Zelda from the evil Ganon.
What makes The Legend of Zelda great is its immersive world and deep gameplay mechanics. The game's open-world design and non-linear progression allowed players to explore Hyrule at their own pace, discovering secrets and uncovering new areas as they went. The Legend of Zelda also introduced a complex item system and puzzle-solving mechanics that would go on to be used in countless other games.

#2 - Pac-Man

At number 2 on our list is Pac-Man, the game that revolutionized the arcade industry and popularized the concept of power-ups. Released in 1980, Pac-Man sees players controlling the titular character as he navigates a maze, eats pellets, and avoids ghosts.
What makes Pac-Man great is its addictive gameplay mechanics and memorable characters. The game's power-up system, which allowed Pac-Man to temporarily become invincible and eat ghosts, introduced a new level of strategy and challenge to the gameplay. Pac-Man also introduced iconic characters like Blinky, Pinky, Inky, and Clyde, who would go on to become some of the most recognizable video game characters of all time.

#1 - Ms. Pac-Man

And finally, taking the top spot on our list is Ms. Pac-Man, the game that improved upon the formula established by Pac-Man by introducing new levels, enemy types, and more complex gameplay mechanics. Released in 1981, Ms. Pac-Man sees players controlling the titular character as she navigates a series of mazes, eats pellets, and avoids ghosts.
What makes Ms. Pac-Man great is its deep and challenging gameplay mechanics, which build upon the foundation established by Pac-Man. The game introduced new power-ups and enemy types, as well as new maze layouts that required strategic planning and quick reflexes to navigate. Ms. Pac-Man also introduced the concept of cutscenes and intermissions, which added a new level of personality and charm to the game.


The 1980s were a transformative time in the video game industry, and the games on our list represent some of the most iconic and influential titles of the era. From the simple yet addictive gameplay of Pac-Man to the epic adventures of The Legend of Zelda, these games paved the way for the modern gaming industry we know today. Whether you're a fan of platformers, shooters, or puzzle games, there's something on our list for everyone to enjoy. So fire up your favorite emulator or dust off your old console, and relive the glory days of video gaming with these classic titles.